The Command Center

If you want a Command Center, this is what you do.

Take a totally useless area of your kitchen.


Have an incredibly cute, intelligent man, (a.k.a. husband) do all the measuring


and the cutting

cc3.JPG (Notice my son in the background covering his ears.  LOL)

and the installation


and WA-LAH, you have a Command Center!


There is still more work that needs to be done, but you get the idea. 🙂

Here is a picture of my Command Notebook. I used scrapbook paper in the colors of my kitchen for the binder inserts.   The notebook on the left is going into my van and will be filled with maps.


12 responses to “The Command Center

  1. 😀 You crack me up, Michelle! You have a great sense of humor. I love your command center and command notebook. You have a nice touch. I admire the way you decorate.

    Love, Wardeh

  2. Thanks Wardeh. It helps to have a handy husband. 😀

  3. You have the exact same paper inserted on the front of your notebook that I have!!!! Isn’t that fun! I’ve enjoyed reading about your Command Notebook and Center.

  4. Hi Susan. How funny about our matching notebooks. It took me a long time to find one I liked. LOL

  5. So Applie, whats in the Command Notebook?

  6. I like your command center. 😀

  7. Pingback: Environmentally Friendly Decorating « APPLIE’S PLACE

  8. How did I ever miss this post???
    That is a great idea and you do have a cute worker there, not as cute as mine but he looks to be just as handy. 😉

  9. I want to know what’s inside the command binder also!

    • Hi Lora,

      You can find out what was inside the binder on the next post. I’ll try to link to it in the post. I don’t use it anymore, since I have had to get a large 2 month wall calendar, so I can spot at a glance our activities. I have also started using a smart phone and we all use the google calendar. Hope that helps.

  10. Because someone commented and I replied.

    • But that usually doesn’t cause it to appear in the reader. Unless Feedly is different. But I don’t think so. I think it’s just because you are weird.

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